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Automations in 3 Steps

Discover how Level simplifies mass application deployment using Winget in just three steps, as shown in this quick video.

Updated over 5 months ago

With Level, you can easily create automations that respond to specific triggers and perform actions across your device fleet. In just under two minutes, this video will show you how to set up an efficient automation pipeline for installing applications using Winget.

Topics Covered

  1. Configuring Triggers:

    • Learn how to set conditions for automation, such as applying specific tags to devices.

    • See how Level continuously monitors for these trigger conditions.

  2. Setting Up Actions:

    • Explore pre-built actions, focusing on the Winget Action.

    • Watch the step-by-step process of configuring the Winget action for application deployment.

  3. Simplicity in Action:

    • Discover that the entire process takes just two steps, making complex deployments surprisingly simple.

    • Understand how tagging a device automatically initiates the installation process.

This video showcases how Level can transform the management of hundreds of devices into a task as simple as managing just one.

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