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Inventory / Device Listing
Inventory / Device Listing

Comprehensive device inventory system, offering powerful search, filtering, and organization capabilities for efficient endpoint management.

Updated over a week ago

Find Endpoints Quickly

The device list has several features to help you in searching for and filtering through your endpoints. Using them together in tandem will allow you to quickly find a particular device or even a wide selection of devices that meet certain requirements.

Device Listing

The device listing is the heart of Level's inventory system, displaying all endpoints with the Level Agent installed. This centralized view provides a quick overview of your entire managed fleet. The listing is highly customizable, allowing you to choose which columns are visible based on the information most relevant to your needs. This flexibility ensures you can focus on the metrics that matter most to your organization.

The device list contains an array of important device information up front, almost all of which are completely filterable.

Custom Views and Exports

Tailor your inventory view to your specific needs by customizing which columns are visible. This allows you to focus on the most relevant information for your current task. Additionally, you can export any device listing to a CSV file, which includes comprehensive information about your devices. This feature is particularly useful for custom reporting and data analysis outside of the Level platform.

Device Groups

Organize your devices efficiently with device groups. You can create groups based on various criteria such as client, location, building, or floor. The system supports an infinite group structure, allowing for highly detailed organization (e.g., ABC, Inc. -> 4th Floor -> Server Room). This hierarchical grouping makes it easy to manage devices across complex organizational structures.

For more about groups, see Device Groups.

System Groups

Level provides pre-defined system groups to help you quickly access important device subsets:

  • All Devices: All agents will show in this group.

  • Favorites: Devices that are frequently used can be favorited for easy access. Favorites are saved per user account. To favorite a device, in the device list, click on the star icon at the right side of the agent listing.

  • New Devices: When an agent is newly installed it will show up in this list. Devices remain in this list for 7 days after first check-in.

  • Ungrouped Devices: If a group is not selected during agent installation, then the agent is considered ungrouped and will show up here. Once a device is assigned a group, it cannot be ungrouped again, it can only be moved to other groups.

  • Flagged Devices: Devices can be flagged with notes. For example if there is a device that is under maintenance, or a device is needing some specific attention, then it can be flagged with a short description to help other admins understand what is going on.

These system groups help streamline your workflow and ensure important devices don't get overlooked.

For more about groups, see Device Groups.


Level's robust search and filter capabilities allow you to quickly locate specific devices or groups of devices. The search field will search all table columns for search results. This means you can search for device names, IP addresses, logged-in users, etc. Search results are "fuzzy" string matched to suggest approximate matches.


The advanced filtering system enables you to refine your device list based on specific criteria, making it easy to manage large fleets or focus on particular subsets of devices.

Next to the search field is the Add Filter function. This is where custom filters can be created based on device attributes. Attributes include:

  • Platform - OS type (Windows, macOS, Linux)

  • Operating System - Windows 10, macOS Catalina, Debian

  • Tags - Filter on your own custom tags

  • Status - online, offline

  • Major Version - 10, 11, etc.

  • Minor Version - For Windows 10 we might see 10.0.19043, 10.0.19044, and 10.0.19042

Quick Access

Throughout the Level interface, you'll find the OS Management Square, which provides quick access to device management options. A left-click on this icon opens a remote control connection to the device, while a right-click displays all available connection options, including background management tools. This feature allows for efficient device access anywhere in Level.

By mastering these inventory features, you can efficiently manage your entire device fleet, regardless of its size or complexity. Level's inventory system is designed to provide both high-level oversight and granular control, ensuring you have the tools you need to keep your managed devices organized and easily accessible.

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