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ConnectWise PSA Integration
ConnectWise PSA Integration

Syncs devices and tickets to ConnectWise. Streamline IT and enhance visibility. Setup includes API and mapping. Updates occur in real time.

Updated over a week ago

Create a Security Role in ConnectWise

The Connectwise PSA integration requires configuring a "Security Role" within Connectwise. This role must be given the proper permissions so that Level is able to create configurations, types, and tickets.

1. Go to Settings > Security Roles

2. This will show you a list of security roles that have already been created. Click the "+" symbol to create a new role for Level:

3. Give the new security role a name, such as "Level". Click the save icon:

4. You will be taken to a list of all available permissions. Level only needs a small subset of these. You will need to set permissions under "Companies", "Service Desk", and "System":

5. Specifically, Level will need the following permissions:


  • Company Maintenance - Add, Edit, Inquire

  • Configurations - Add, Edit, Inquire

Service Desk:

  • Close Service Tickets - Edit, Inquire

  • Service Tickets - Add, Edit, Inquire


  • Table Setup - Add, Inquire

6. Click the save icon to persist the changes:

Create an API Member in Connectwise

Connectwise uses API Members to contain API keys.

1. Go to System > Members > API Members

2. Click on "API Members":

3. Click the "+":

4. Fill out the required fields and make sure to select the security role we created in the previous step as the "Role ID":

5. Click the save icon to persist your changes:

Create API Keys

1. From the newly created API Member, go to "API Keys":

2. We need to create an API key that Level can use. Click on the "+" icon:

3. Give the key a "Description" and click the save icon to generate the keys:

4. Make note of the "Public Key" and "Private Key", we will use these in Level:

Configure integration in Level

1. Go to Settings > Integrations

2. Click on the Connectwise PSA integration:

3. Complete the four configuration fields:

ConnectWise PSA URL
The ConnectWise PSA URL. This URL can point to an on-premises or cloud location and should include the appropriate protocol. For example:

Your company name that you use to log in to your ConnectWise PSA account.

API Keys
The public and private keys we generated in the previous steps.

4. Click the "Save changes" button:

5. Press "Test connection" to make sure your settings are working:

Map Level groups to Connectwise sites

Level will create configurations in Connectwise based on your group mappings. You can choose any group or subgroup in Level and match it with a company and site combo from Connectwise.

1. Go to Group Mapping:

2. Click "Add new groups" to select the Level groups to map to Connectwise sites:

3. Choose one or more groups and click "Add new groups":

4. Choose a Connectwise company type and status and click "Load Connectwise Companies" to fetch the subset of companies you want to pick from:

5. Choose a Connectwise company for the first mapping:

6. Select the Connectwise site:

7. Repeat for every row and click "Save" when finished:

Note: the integration is still disabled, so this won't send any devices yet.

Map Level monitor policies to Connectwise service boards

Level can map alerts to Connectwise tickets. We just need to choose which monitor policies should create tickets, as well as which service board the tickets should appear on.

1. Click on "Ticketing":

2. Choose Connectwise service boards for each policy that you wish to map:

3. When finished, click "Save changes" at the bottom of the page:

Note: the integration is still disabled, so this won't send any alerts yet.

Start sending devices and alerts

1. Click the "Disabled" toggle:

2. This will immediately begin sending devices and alerts. You can see the group mappings change from "Unsynced" to "Syncing" and eventually to "Synced":

3. If you want to follow the progress, or troubleshoot an issue, navigate to the "Events" tab to see a real-time list of requests being sent to Connectwise:

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